
What we offer

Our dynamic range of programs empowers individuals and communities to flourish!

100+ Reviews

“This program has helped me in more ways than just finding work.
I’ve gained a professional mindset, a greater understanding of the labour market and am now more confident in my career choices. My coach has provided valuable advice and support. I feel ready to take on any challenge.”
G. Diamond
PYP service user
“At first, I was a little hesitant because I obviously did not know too much about the program. However, when I met up with the consultants, I was really surprised that there is support like this from someone taking their time to help you get back on your feet.”
M. Cassan
PYP service user
“It was just refreshing to be part of a program that actually worked for me and had mentors who were experts that know their stuff. The drama workshops were really beneficial.”
S. Martin
PYP service user

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